Lets face it. Car dealerships are super difficult to run.
We know this here at Brownstreet Auto, as our team has all worked in dealerships for a combined total of 130 years. We have all seen what works and makes the companies grow, but more importantly,
we have seen what DOESN’T work.

BSDC (Brownstreet Dealership Consulting)
was formed to help those dealerships who aren’t running as smoothly as the general managers would like, by giving you the insight of our talented crew, on everything from
Fixed Ops
Office Operations
Employee Retention
Customer Retention
and so much more.
We will come to your new or used car dealer nation wide,
and for a minimum of 2 days, we will objectively observe, ask questions, and interview personnel (with as little impact on time and productivity as possible)
to see where you are falling short, and where you are thriving.
We will then create a report to help your dealership succeed in ways never thought possible, and present it to management to take the reigns and, in several proven instances so far, double your efficiency.
We don’t come cheap, but how much money are you losing by not taking advantage of our services?
Daily rates start at $2800 per day, with no hidden fees or extra expenses (unless you ask for it, of course)
We also offer a virtual option for $900 per day, which will grow and fix your dealership, however or in person visits are what are what are the most effective.
We also offer employee training seminars, please ask for more info!
Sign up today and become one of the elite dealerships that others wish they were!
Email us at brownstreetauto21@gmail.com to get started!